The Library of Obscure Wonders

art nature illustration botanical classes workshops

Month: November, 2023

The Earth Worm

Gardening again today. A crisp November morning, I’m pleased to leave my flat and walk outside along the leafy roads to the Almorah Community Centre. A cold blue grey sky is lined with the golden leaves – sycamores and lime trees.

The Almorah garden group huddle around a table in the centre of the hall, discussing our plans for the garden. After coffee, we go outside. Today I layout where the pond will be and mark it. There is no spade at present, so I outline the pond with sticks, a trowel and my hands. My mum said last summer that she loves digging the earth so much that once she can no longer dig, she wants to die. A rather dramatic love of digging, but today I can understand it. There is something very enjoyable about pushing and plundering through mud, this rich dark soil, full of so much life and potential. “Mud, mud, glorious mud!”…

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Drawing toadstools and leaves

Autumn colours always amaze me. Even though I see them at this time every year, I’m still enthralled by the beauty that surrounds me.

Orange, red and gold cover the park just behind where I live and I feel a duty to paint these…